Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Blah Blah Blah

How did it get to be Wednesday already??

I have a busy day ahead of me. Yuck! I don't miss these days of running. But I have stuff to get accomplished, so run I must do. I have to go to Colubmia to get fingerprinted for my substitute teachers license, go by Columbia College to get my transcripts also for my license, go by the pediatricians for the girls' shot records and then over to Jefferson City for a job interview. Whew! I wish I felt bettr. I have some sinus pain and headache and am out of Excedrin for Sinus.

I need to go try to wake Kaelyn up. We got information from school yesterday, and school starts at 8:12 AM. Yikes, that's early! She is going to be a bear.

That's all for now! Over and out.


Scott said...

Good luck today!