Friday, July 18, 2008

My New Feather Duster

It's been a really good week. I feel like I have gotten a few things accomplished. I am really proud of my house! I have been keeping up with the cleaning, picking up, dishes and laundry. I even managed to get a few extra jobs done like straightening my closet and washing mini blinds. I am so proud of myself that I rewarded myself with some Fly Lady tools. I got them in the mail today. I never thought I would be so excited to receive a feather duster!

I also got a timer to use because the Fly Lady motto is "You can do anything for 15 minutes!" This works great with Kaelyn. We do 5 minute room pickups by setting the timer and racing against the clock. Of course we have to do this after Kate is in bed because she tears it out as quick as we put it up.

I love our home and I am filled with such happiness to see it at it's best. It had really gotten away from me this past year. I was always so tired after work and getting the kids settled in for the night that housework came last or often not at all. Oh, we did what we had to do but usually that would have to spend all day Saturday or Sunday just cleaning. I was grouchy, Kevin was wasn't good. Things are so much better now. I feel such a peace and want to be at home. Life is good!