Saturday, July 26, 2008

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know what I have planned for you,’ says the Lord. ‘I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope."

This scripture was shared today at a bridal shower I went to. The bride-to-be has been through some dark days and is now facing a bright future. She told us how this passage helped get her through some really bad days.

My life has undergone so much change over the past three months. The job I had, and left, was my life for eleven years. I realize now that since having Kaelyn and later Kate, I had been trying to hard to reprioritize my life and I wasn't succeeding. The job was still coming in first place. I often justified it by telling myself that I was doing "God's work" by helping to care for those that needed help. My work filled my heart with joy and made me feel good about myself for a long time. The only identiy that I felt I had was my job. Leaving this job behind me in April was one of the most difficult things I have had to do in my life. I have had to use these past few months to heal and to get to know myself outside of my job. I used to joke with my co-workers/friends that I could never stay home with my kids. They drove me nuts! But now I realize that this is the most important job I will ever have and it's a one shot deal. Oh, they still drive me nuts some days but it's a good nuts. I feel like a new person these days. I have such a feeling of contentment and serenity.

so, today I reflected on the passage from Jeremiah 29:11 and know that I do have a future filled with hope. God has led me to be right where I am supposed to be.


Anonymous said...

Aww... I'm so glad you were encouraged with that scripture. It has really impacted my life for sure! Thanks so much for coming to the shower. and thanks so much for your gift. It was really good to see you again - sorry we didn't get to talk much. My friends from Springfield thought Kaelyn was SO adorable! :o)