Friday, July 25, 2008

Potty Training

We have been working on potty training with Kate the past few weeks. She is doing so awesome! She is going in the potty all the time while at home. We haven't been anywhere to try her out away from home so that will be next. I am still putting pull-ups on her at nap time and bed time though. She is so cute, after she goes, she runs out of the bathroom, singing "I went! I went! I went!" and doing a little dance. She usually goes in there without telling us but sure lets us know afterwards. Of course, we all make a big deal about it and clap with her. Kaelyn had a friend over the other day and you should have seen her face when she looked in the little potty bowl that Kate brought to the living room to show everyone. It was filled with little poops! Her eyes got big, she much have thought we were all crazy. Yes, I am a proud mama! I have been doing diapers since April 2003...over five years now. I won't know what to do with myself.

And thanks to the benevolence of my parents, I have a date with my husband today. Kevin had a job from 1 to 3 pm today, and then a break until 6 pm, when he has to be at his other job. I am going to meet him at the movie theater where Dark Knight starts at 3:10! I havn't been to a movie in ages and have been looking forward to seeing this one. I took a shower, put on make-up and am dressed up. Kaelyn and her friend came downstairs and Kaelyn stopped and said "Ooh! Look at my mom!" She makes me smile.

And that's all for now. I'll post a movie reveiw later tonight!