Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Losing Track

We got a blow up pool last night and got it put up and filled this morning. The girls had so much fun playing outside today. We put the pool so the slide goes into the pool and they pretended it was a water park. The water was so cold but after a few minutes out in the heat, it felt great to walk through. We are all pink now as I didn't think to use sunscreen. The girls are taking a cool bath now and soon they will be in bed and it will be my turn.

I worked on my internship goals some more today and got them sent off for review. I also started working on my portfolio, or binder to keep everything organized. I checked and had received a grade for the last class I took, another A. As the internship is pass/fail, I have completed the program with a 4.0 GPA! Go me!

Still trying to think of a company name and am leaning toward Heather Crews Consulting. Not very original, but also not limiting to what kind of consulting I may do in the future. Kevin suggested Gemini Consulting and Training but did a Google search and it is way overused. Too bad, I kind of liked that one. I need to sit down with a thesaurus and see what I come up with.