Thursday, April 17, 2008

ER Visit

I did an awake overnight last night. That means I had to go to work and stay awake the entire night. I am way too old for that business. I had a lack-of-sleep hangover all day because of it. I tried to nap this afternoon but just couldn't do anything more than doze. And just when I thought I had both girls in bed and was ready to hit the sack myself, Kaelyn starts screaming that her cheek hurts, and her ear hurts. Uh oh, I know what that means. Ear infection! Every time Kaelyn has a cold, like she did this weekend, she gets an ear infection. She was screaming and hitting her ear, inconsolable. I finally got her to take some Motrin and called mom for advice. She came and got Kate and Kaelyn and I headed in to the little hospital in Boonville. We were in and out in thirty minutes and Kaelyn is back on antibiotics. And now I am really tired but sleep still eludes me.


WheresMyAngels said...

Remind me to take the girls to Booneville hospital! That was a quick in and out! lol

Hope she is now feeling better.

Heather said...

There wasn't another soul in sight. And they gave us her amoxicillin when we trip to the pharmacy!!