Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Playing Catch Up

I have been so negligient in writing lately. It seems like the days and weeks just pass by so fast. I'll take a minute to write now and try to be better in the future, I promise!

American Idol...another amazing show last night. I loved Matt's song. I'm not sure what the song was, some Carrie Underwood song, but I loved it. I love a man who can sit at the piano and make music like that. Remember I am a huge Elton John fan! I really like Kris. The song he sang, To Make You Feel My Love, is special to me as it was sung at my wedding by Missy and Mindy! It is on the Hope Floats soundtrack, which is my all time favorite movie. Danny was good, Adam was good but Anoop Dog really blew me away with Always On My Mind. They are all so very talented. I can't wait for tonight's show.

We finished painting our laundry room/office this weekend. The color is Tomato Green and is just a few shades beneath Lime Green. I love it! I took some pictures and will try to get them added. The cabinets in the room and the woodwork is white in that room so it looks great against the green.

Work has been busy and keeping my jumping. Was it just six months ago that I wondered how there would ever be enough work for me to do? Be careful what you wish for!

I have Kaelyn's Parent/Teacher conference this afternoon.

And that's all I can think of at the moment. It's Wednesday!


SchauerPuff said...

From now on, I'll pretend you're here with me watching. :( I miss my Heather very much. I remember watching GH every night on VHS tapes together @ Grace-Ellen. Those were the days....days of fruit flys and stirring our hot toddies w/ a screw-driver b/c there were no clean spoons left. :) Do you remember him calling down asking for coffee cups, ha, ha. I don't know how James put up w/ our antics - but then again he had his own "antics" going on un-beknownst to us. I wonder if Jy-roo ever brought back that video of Pamela Anderson & Tommy Lee?!? Anyway, I'm always alone in the evenings as Brian is working and I make it all an extra special occasion - I will sometimes celebrate with a glass of wine and I make sure all the chores are done! So I'll be watching w/ you tonight. :) Have a great day and yes, please try and blog more when you can. It's my connection to you. :) I truly do understand...easy for me to say w/ only a hubby to take care of, right?