Thursday, May 01, 2008


Life is a journey...I try to live by this motto as truer words were never written. This blog may actually become interesting as I document my transition from career mom to stay-at-home mom. And maybe not.

The highlight of my day yesterday was that my girls actually had three meals. And then Mom burst my bubble and said that they'll probably get fat now! Fortunately I think they have more of Kevin's skinny genes than my pleasantly plump ones so they won't have to worry about that. Prior to this change, our meals were hit and miss. We had fast food at least one time a day, hence my ever expanding figure. But no more!

And regarding my figure, I walked with the girls in their stroller twice yesterday and it felt good. Our little town is so pretty. There was a nice breeze blowing and fragrant lilac in bloom. It was really nice and it felt good to be doing something for myself.

Amazing how everything can change in just a few short days!