Thursday, July 20, 2006

Worst Week Ever

Guess who's having the worst week ever...yep, that's right, it's me!

Trying to do a good deed, I did an overnight Monday night for a friend with a toothache. Now doing an overnight when I was single, wasn't a big deal. As a mother of two, much bigger deal. I have to pack clothes for all of us, blankets, pillows, baby travel bed, toys, books, you name it...I hualed it in that night. And while hauling, I forgot to lock up my car.

The next morning, I was getting ready for work when one of my employees asked me where my car was. With a smile, I told her it was outside, thinking she was playing a joke on me. She wasn't. My car had been STOLEN! If you know me, you know I practically live out of my car and it is full of stuff. Valuable stuff like a Camcorder, a DVD player, a bag of DVD's and toys for Kaelyn, carseats, my purse and most importantly my planner. The car was recovered a few hours later, with all of the above missing from it.

I do have a lot to be thankful for. They left my dirver's license, debit card, my IRS refund check that I had JUST received that day. But I have to admit I am pretty lost without my planner.

They also drove the tire completely off my front passenger wheel. The officer had warned me that the car had been wrecked so I was expecting the worst. It was better than I was expecting, but still unbelievable. The tire is in shreds! They must have hit something and just kept on going, for a long time. People are crazy.

The worst part is that I can't get a new wheel for the car until Friday and we were to leave on vacation this morning. So here I sit, not on vacation. No car, no carseats, and a $500 deductible. My camcorder was receovered with the "suspect" later that night, so another think to be thankful for. I am thankful, but I'd be a lot more so, if I were on my way starting my vacation right about now.


StaceyG said...

Oh man! Talk about "Darn the bad luck!" Hopefully you got your wheel on yesterday and are now either on your way on already on your vacation.