Tuesday, December 30, 2008


After a very rough weekend, Bailey passed away yesterday morning. We had decided to have him put to sleep as he was very ill. I held him and cried tears on his little furry head, before leaving for work. Kevin made the difficult trip to the vet with Bailey, but when they got back to the exam room, and Kevin laid him down, Bailey passed away on his own. My poor sweet baby. I miss him terribly but it broke my heart to see him so sick and suffering.

Kevin brought him back home and buried him in the backyard where he liked to run (away). I can still see my mom chasing him last summer across the backyard, yelling (cussing)his name even though he couldn't hear a thing. Bailey always knew the way from our house to Mom and Dad's and would go straight there when he got out. He would visit for awhile and then head back home. I have a million George Bailey stories but suffice to say that he was loved and he will be missed.


SchauerPuff said...

Heather, I'm so sorry to hear about George Bailey. It hurts so bad to lose them, but the joy they bring while they're here is so worth it. I will be thinking of you.

WheresMyAngels said...

I'm so sorry. This is the second blog today someone has lost a pet :(