Friday, September 12, 2008


It's been a very long week, what with working three days and all. I am so spoiled. I used to work sixty to seventy hours EACH week.

It was a lot of fun though although those fourth graders got pertty rowdy during the last hour of school today. We were all glad it was Friday. I really like this age group. They think they are big but they're not so they still respect and like the teacher and aren't full of attitude yet. I felt like I knew enough to teach them something.

Besides working, my mind has been in overdrive all week and I am trying to make some decisions about my future. I fell asleep the past two nights when I went to lay down with Kaelyn, each night by 9 pm. That is unheard of for me! I am never to sleep before midnight,and that's on good nights. I did feel better so need to try to get to bed earlier on a more regular basis.

I also have been busy reading the Twilight Saga books by Stephanie Meyer and loving them. I am about halfway through the fourth and last book and will be sad to see them end. Oh well, the first movie comes out in November so will have that to look forward to.


WheresMyAngels said...

Ugh, that last book grossed me out in the beginning, but it turns out okay! I love Jacob! I'm just uphappy that Shark Boy plays Jacob in the movie. That is Aysha's favorite person and it is hard to see him grown up!

Heather said...

I know! I was reading it in bed the other night, and making faces and saying OMG! Kevin kept looking over at me and all I could say is this is GROSS! And I have a strong stomach.