Monday, September 08, 2008

Mermaid Art

Yes, this is my third post today...I am finally catching up on some of my blogging!

We went to the Renaissance Festival in Kansas City yesterday and I got to see some work from an artist that always exhibits there. Her name is Renae Taylor I have to share one of her drawnings that I fell in love with. Here it is:

I have a few more of her prints. I just love them. Check out her website!


Scott said...

Ooh! I like this! Very cool!

Well, I'm reading your blogs backwards so now I see it was the KC Renaissance Festival. :)

WheresMyAngels said...

Oh no, I thought that was in October, I have only been once and loved it!

Heather said...

It runs Labor Day weekends through Veterans Day weekend. I think they are open on the holiday Mondays too.